Flag Raising Ceremony to Commemorate Indonesia's 79th Independence Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Timur Regency




Flag Raising Ceremony to Commemorate Indonesia's 79th Independence Day

Flag Raising Ceremony to Commemorate Indonesia's 79th Independence Day

August 17, 2024 | Other Activities

On August 17, 2024, all Indonesia Citizens, including those in particular, are in a very important and meaningful momentum in the history of the birth of the Nation and State of Indonesia. 

Since 1945, August 17 has been commemorated as Indonesia's Independence Day. All people celebrate the joy of Independence Day by holding a flag ceremony as a form of love for the homeland, defending the country, and as gratitude and gratitude to all the nation's heroes who have fought for Indonesia's Independence. In 2024, Indonesia has been established and independent for 79 years. 

All BPS employees of East Manggarai Regency participated in commemorating the 79th Independence Day by participating in all stages of the flag raising ceremony which was held in the yard of the East Manggarai BPS office at 07.00 WITA to 08.15 WITA. All participants of the ceremony followed solemnly and earnestly. The ceremony was led by one of the BPS employees of East Manggarai Regency, Mr. Agustinus Sudirman Jehaut, A.Md and attended by Mrs. Ir. Sunarmi, M.A.P as the Head of BPS East Manggarai Regency and served as the supervisor/inspector of the ceremony.
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